Helen Stephenson's London Sunrise Pictures

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This is the page I probably shouldn't show to the boss: these pictures were taken out of the office window at 05:30am when I was working night shift. Just as well I got the invalid record on the file sorted out by 05:29!

If you want to see a larger image of any of these pictures, please click on the picture.

On the first night of my week of night shifts, I saw the most amazing sunrise, but my camera was at home. I made sure I had a camera and a telephoto lens into my briefcase for the rest of the week after that.

Sunrise picture

On my second night, the sunrise wasn't as good, as a shower of rain had leeched some of the pollution out of the air. However, it still wasn't bad. Here is the sun coming up alongside the Post Office Tower.

Sunrise picture

Here are two more shots taken a couple of days later. The sun was far too bright to look at directly once the rain had leeched the rest of the pollution out of the atmosphere. On the left is the instant when the sun started over the horizon by the Post Office Tower. On the right is a slightly earlier shot facing fairly close to the North.

Sunrise picture


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Last Revised: 20th November, 1999.