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There is a village at Pendeen, but when we visited on the Wednesday of our holiday, we were more interested in the lighthouse This is probably my favourite picture. It's Stephen's favourite as well. (He describes it as "eye food".) It was taken with my Centon 18-28 super wide angle zoom lens, and the buildings lean back a long way, so I used the perspective tool on it to straighten it up somewhat. Stephen doesn't really approve of such digital jiggery-pokery, but it's nothing that he couldn't achieve in the darkroom by tilting his easel, so I don't think he's got a leg to stand on! |
The picture on the left was also taken with the 18-28 zoom, but I think I prefer the one on the right, which was taken with a rather less extreme optic. |
I stood back and zoomed in on the lantern with a telephoto zoom lens. |
The foghorn also got the telephoto treatment. The right of these two pictures was taken with my Centon 500mm mirror lens. I can't say I've had any really superior pictures out of it yet, but this one isn't too bad:-) |
The mine building in the Cornish countryside also had the Centon 500mm mirror lens treatment. This building could be seen a little way along the coast in the Land's End direction from Pendeen lighthouse. |
Last Revised: 29th August, 2002.