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I am starting this page with one of my two pictures of the village sign, which neatly summarises much of what is to be found within the village. |
This page concentrates on the picturesque aspects of the village, and starts with the King and Queen, a pretty whitewashed pub at the centre of the village, occupying the north west corner of a cross roads. |
Across the road from the King and Queen, on the south west corner, is another picturesque whitewashed building. |
If you follow the street that runs between the King and Queen and the other whitewashed building, you will come to a part whitewashed, part tile-hung building which a villager informed me used to be a butcher's shop. I have walked past it and taken the picture on the far right facing back towards the village centre. The Church Tower can be seen in the background. |
Back in the centre of the village, one house to the east of the south east corner of the crossroads, is this English Heritage listed half timbered building. I think I could have done better with the colour balance on the square picture, and got some lens flare in the picture on the left. Because this building faces north, photographing it in the middle of the day when the sun was behind it wasn't conducive to good images. I photographed the English Heritage plaque twice. |
If you continue down the little dead-end street past the half timbered building, you get to the Church. I've devoted several pages later on to the Church, so I'll only put one image of the Church on here. |
Last Revised: 25th August, 2003.