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This page contains the pictures I selected to put together in an album for Jessie (Stephen's Mum) for Christmas 2001.
They were scanned using the CanoScan FS2710 film scanner.
If you want to see a larger image of any of these pictures, please click on the picture.
The Beckenham Concert Band played on the bandstand at Folkestone during the 2001 summer. The three of us went: I was playing the bassoon, while Stephen and Jessie were among the audience.
Stephen took this picture.
The appearance of these two pictures so early in the album was because I turned two pages when putting it together and I had a blank page to fill. Jessie has expressed a wish to visit Rochester, but we haven't taken her there yet, so these two pictures are to keep her going until a suitable opportunity for a visit arises.
The picture on the left is an evening shot of Rochester Castle which I took during the summer of 1999, while the picture on the right is an evening shot of the Rochester Cathedral spire, taken during the Rochester Christmas Fair in 2001. (Not a place to take somebody with mobility problems!)
We all visited Eastbourne on the day when the Beckenham Concert Band played on the bandstand there at the end of the 2001 summer. Jessie also spent a week there with her sister Ellen. She particularly liked the flowers, so I've included two pictures of house leeks planted to form a pattern. The pier with its lights switched on, and a picture of the bandstand I took in 1999 make up the rest of this page.
While printing, I ended up with a narrow strip of paper and wanted some long narrow pictures to print on it and chose these two, taken on the Eastbourne Pier. The one on the left was taken during the summer of 2000, while the one on the right was taken during the 2001 visit.
There were two litters of kittens in Jessie's house during 2001. The first lot to be born were Mitsi's kittens. These two are now called Misty and Pebbles.
The second litter of kittens belonged to Minnie. I entered the picture on the top right in an RSPCA "Catless Cat Show" at Sevenoaks in the cutest kitten category.
This double page contains images from Jessie's locality. At the top are two very different sunsets taken at Bough Beech Reservoir. At the bottom is the church at Westerham and a local field.
Stephen and I had a bit of a mutual portrait taking session one day when we were both reasonably tidy. The camera is a Pentacon which takes screw mount lenses and came from a charity shop. It did a good job with the 135mm lens mounted and we now both have current portraits which are reasonable representations of us.
Miscellaneous Index (Pictures Page)
Last Revised: 26th December, 2001.