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The BBC in London run a photographic competition each year, and in 2002 the brief was to take a picture during the 24 hours of 1st October.
These pictures were scanned using the CanoScan FS2710 film scanner.
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1st October 2002 was a Tuesday, so I was up in London all day at work. I brought my camera gear in with me with the intention of doing some evening photography after work. I had a good idea of the locations I wanted to concentrate on, and as London was winding down for a Tube strike, I decided on one area which I could cover on foot. |
When I left the office, I walked to Tower Bridge and took the steps down to river level, where I walked under the bridge and along the cobblestones in front of the Tower of London. I was looking for a river-level view of the London Bridge City Pier in front of the Hays Galleria. There were various moorings obstructing the view, but I found several vantage points where it was possible to set up my tripod, and I gradually moved west towards London Bridge, photographing as I went. The camera I had in service was my Ricoh KR-10 Super, which is my designated slide camera. I had it loaded with Kodak Elite Chrome Extra Colour 100ASA slide film. |
At that point, I finished my first film and reloaded the camera with another roll of the same film. |
I didn't take anything worth displaying on the second roll which was significantly different from what I've already put up. I did take some other shots, but didn't get the exposures right! |
Last Revised: 24th November, 2002.