Blenheim Palace, near Woodstock in Oxfordshire, is the seat of the Dukes of Marlborough.
These pictures were scanned using the CanoScan FS2710 film scanner.
If you want to see a larger image of any of these pictures, please click on the picture.
I have had these pictures sitting on the hard disk of my computer for some time, and I have been contemplating whether or not to share them with the outside world, but I need the disk space, so a decision had to be made on whether to publish and archive, or just to archive.
As you're looking at this page, I made the decision to publish. The photographs were taken during the 1980s and the scanning process showed up great amounts of dust which was resistant to cleaning. I did a bit of "spotting", but don't feel that the quality of the originals warrants the time spent on a thorough "spotting" job, so I must apologise for the remaining dust marks. And possibly even a scratch or two!
Above is the imposing facade of Blenheim Palace.
Below is a view of the gardens.
Below is a view within the extensive grounds of the palace.