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As Canterbury Cathedral is not too far from where I live, I have visited it several times over the years. My most recent visit was in August 1999.
This was the first outing of my recently acquired Pentax MX body, and gave me the opportunity to run two different films. I loaded my tried and trusted Pentax KM with 400ASA film and used it inside the Cathedral, while the Pentax MX had 200ASA film loaded and was used outdoors. I like the KM's familiar needle metering better than the new fangled traffic light system employed by the MX, so the KM is the camera of choice for trickier lighting conditions.
If you want to see a larger image of any of these pictures, please click on the picture.
When I viewed the pictures I took in August 1999, I decided that none of my overall shots of the Cathedral were worth viewing. I must dig back through my archives to see if I have any better pictures taken in other years. Part of the reason for my lack of success at photographing the whole building is that it is not possible to step far enough back from it, so pictures taken in other years may not be any better than the August 1999 pictures. I will probably need to pay Canterbury a visit, complete with my newly acquired super wide angle zoom lens. I did, however, have considerable success with my close-up shots of the exterior of the Cathedral, and have included a number of these: |
I was fascinated by the figure on the left of the two shots above. Here he is again to the right. Surely they wouldn't put Lord Lucan on a Cathedral.... So who is he? He looks modern and may have appeared during restoration work! |
Now let's move indoors and look at what the Pentax KM yielded. To start off, here are two shots of the nave. The one on the left is facing towards the West window, while the one on the right is facing towards the choir. A rehearsal for a choral concert was in progress in the Cathedral when the latter shot was taken. |
Still in the nave, here's the pulpit. |
These two shots were taken down in the Crypt and are of the chapel at the extreme east of the Cathedral. |
Here is one of the many memorials in the Cathedral. |
Here are three examples of the stained glass to be seen in the Cathedral. |
These are two views looking towards the High Altar from behind the Choir. |
On the left is the Chapter House window, while on the right is the detail of the Chapter House ceiling. |
Last Revised: 20th November, 1999.