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Down House is located in the village of Downe.
(Yes, the House and the village really are spelt differently!)
Charles Darwin lived in Down House and wrote about natural selection in the study there.
Down House is now a Charles Darwin museum.
These pictures were scanned using the CanoScan FS2710 film scanner.
If you want to see a larger image of any of these pictures, please click on the picture.
Down House was the subject of a late summer excursion during 1999 when I had a relative with a Ph.D. in botany staying with me. I thought that he might find the visit of professional interest, but had no idea that we would come away feeling that Charles Darwin had received credit alone for a lot of ideas which others were also working on at the same time. It is the old story of he who publishes first gets remembered, even if those who were beaten into print had better versions of the ideas. I took two views of the rear of Down House. |
Sundials have always fascinated me. Here is the one in the gardens at Down House. |
I didn't have a suitable lens for photographing the front of Down House during my 1999 visit and I returned in 2000 armed with an 18-28mm super wide angle zoom lens, when I took these photographs of the front of Down House. |
London Borough of Bromley Index (Pictures Page)
Last Revised: 28th September, 2000.