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This page contains some comparisons between 6"x4" prints scanned using an OpticPro 4830P flatbed scanner, and scans using the CanoScan FS2710 of the negatives from which those prints were produced.
If you want to see a larger image of any of these pictures, please click on the picture.
Flatbed Scans |
Film Scans |
The picture on the left is two separate flatbed scans which were then combined using LivePix. Note the vast improvement in shadow detail in the lower of the two pictures on the right. |
Note how much brighter the images on the right are, and how much further into the shadowed areas the film scanner is able to get. |
The film scanner has rendered the colours in a more pleasing way on the right. The flatbed scans on the left look muddy by comparison. |
Once again, a huge improvement in the rendering of shadow areas can be observed
in the pictures on the right.
Some unwanted patterns appear in the roof areas of the pictures on the right,
but these are only present in the thumbnails. The full sized images are unaffected. |
The picture on the right is much brighter and clearer than that on the left. Note particularly the clock face on the front of the building and the sign in the shadows in front of a ground floor window. |
Miscellaneous Index (Pictures Page)
Last Revised: 6th October, 2000.