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Here are some of the results of my photographic endeavours at the October 1998 Fleetwood APFPY meet in the UK. I have some lighthouse pictures which I haven't scanned. If anyone wants to see them, I might consider scanning them, although the quality isn't that good as the weather was so wet when I took them.
If you want to see a larger image of any of these pictures, please click on the picture.
I finally got around to scanning some of the scenic pictures I took. I received an email from someone who was interested in seeing what else I took pictures of at Fleetwood besides the people I went there to see. I used my CanoScan FS2710 negative scanner, so the quality of these pictures is superior to that of the pictures of people which appear later on this page.
I have included three of the requested lighthouse pictures, plus two of Mount Pleasant.
I'm pretty happy with how these people pictures turned out: I took them using 400ASA film without flash.
I have since got around to replacing my flash unit. Now I take indoor pictures with a shadow cast by the flash:-)
These pictures were scanned using the OpticPro 4830P flatbed scanner. I should rescan them with the film scanner as the quality could be considerably improved in that way.
Last Revised: 6th October, 2000.