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The pictures on this page were taken during an after work stroll (via a slightly circuitous route) from my office to London Bridge Station. The motivation was that I'd acquired a Ricoh KR-10 Super camera at a car boot sale and I wanted to try it out. You may well say that with scenes like this so close to the office, that I shouldn't have needed to find an excuse at all: there are some very well-known London scenes included here.
These pictures were scanned using the CanoScan FS2710 film scanner.
If you want to see a larger image of any of these pictures, please click on the picture.
My stroll began when I aimed for the Thames path on the north side of the river. This is the view across the river from just to the east of St Katharine's Docks. |
After viewing the scenery from the Thames path, I moved into St Katharine's Docks, where I took a number of photographs. It became increasingly dark while I was there, and my photos were on the limit of what could be done without a tripod. Here are some without too much in the foreground to go out of focus: |
I must come back here with a selection of lenses: there's a bit of ultra-modern building visible behind "Dickens Inn", and there are swans in the Docks which would also be worth capturing on film. |
I exited the St Katharines Docks area by Tower Bridge, which I crossed. I did take some photographs from the bridge, but they were not among my better efforts! |
Having crossed Tower Bridge, I was then able to look back towards it. This was the best view I managed. By now, I was using the railings along the walkway for bracing the camera to make up for my lack of a tripod. Note the triple towers at Canary Wharf, visible above the centre span of the bridge. The central one is the original tower, and the other two are the newly completed headquarters of HSBC Bank and CitiGroup. |
I looked across the river and captured this shot of the Tower of London. Owing to only having one lens with me, this is heavily cropped from a much larger original, but I think it's still worth including. |
The light was getting very dim indeed by the time I'd passed the Belfast. I braced the camera on the top of a wall to take this shot looking past a landing stage towards London Bridge, which I think was exposed for around an eighth of a second. The twin towers of Cannon Street Station are visible in the background. |
The camera performed well under these somewhat difficult circumstances, and it looks to be a "keeper", so it's gone to a repairer for a rewind crank lever, as the one on the camera when I purchased it had been snapped off. My total bill looks something like this: Camera + two lenses: £12; Batteries: £4; Rewind crank: £15. That's a total of £31 for a working aperture-priority/manual camera. All it lacks is depth of field preview, but at that price, I don't think I can complain! |
I did this walk on 29th August, 2001. I returned a couple of weeks later with a whole bag of lenses and a tripod and photographed many of the same scenes again. Click here for my 6th September pictures.
Thames Stroll, 6th September, 2001
Last Revised: 30th September, 2001.