My summer is now officially over!

5th September, 1998

Hello All. This is the bandswoman in your midst.

Today (5th September) the Beckenham Concert Band was booked to play on the bandstand at Eastbourne. The weather didn't look promising, but the bandstand has glass shutters that can be pulled across to stop the wind whistling through, and where the audience sit there are overhanging balconies so the audience can sit in shelter, and an audience turned up to do so, so at 3pm our concert went ahead as planned.

When Don, the principal alto sax player came to the front to do "Someone to watch over me", the wind took his music stand and it had to be rescued by Philip, the leader of the first clarinets. He was able to effect the rescue without affecting Don's performance.

There were also a few electrical problems which affected the PA system and our announcer had to rely on unamplified voice power, which she did admirably. We all gave her a big cheer at the end of the concert.

We were incredibly lucky with the weather, which held off during our concert, because when I was on my way home the heavens opened and it rained so hard that I seriously considered pulling off the road and waiting for it to clear up.

Playing outdoors during the summer is good fun and I look forward to it each year. The band won't be idle during the cooler months though: we have two indoor concerts booked for later this month, and we will be doing some carolling in the big indoor shopping centre in Bromley at Christmas time. I intend to be there. I just hope that the pesky kid that crept up behind me and poked me in the back last year doesn't make a return visit.



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