Trick or treaters already

18th October, 1998

I think I'm going to have to disconnect my doorbell for the next two weeks.

I thought that trick or treating was supposed to take place on Halloween but the kids in my area seem to think that the whole of October is open season for wearing fancy costumes and ringing doorbells up and down the street.

So far they've caught me getting dressed to go out and play in a show, and they've caught me on the phone to the office. (I'm on-call this weekend.) On the former occasion I sent them away empty handed with an apology, and on the latter occasion I told them I was busy and slammed the door.

What worries me is that if I leave the batteries in the doorbell that they're going to wake me up during the next two weeks when I'm doing night shift and I don't get up until about 8:30pm. If that happens I will be very angry indeed.

What does everyone else think about trick or treaters who are at large before the 31st? Should they get sent away with a flea in their ear, even if they don't catch one at a busy moment, as they have so far.



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