Today I decided to use up my BP points, plus some of my own money, so I went into my local Argos store and chose a set of crockery which consists of 8 dinner plates, 8 side plates, 8 bowls and 8 mugs.
When I set up my first establishment of my own about 19 years ago, I started out with a set of four of everything. (Except it had cups and saucers instead of mugs.) I still have one or two pieces of it left, but 15 years ago, after a couple of breakages, I decided to treat myself to a set of six of everything. Now that set has suffered from a couple of breakages itself, particularly to the bowls, for some reason, and I've been thinking of treating myself to a new set of plates for a while.
The question is: why does a single girl need so many plates?
I have to admit that in my case, someone comes in once a fortnight and catches up with my washing up, wipes the stove over, and sometimes washes the floor for me. I think I've now got nearly enough dishes that I will hardly ever have to do any washing up myself:-)
When I get my kitchen remodelled, do you think it's an indulgence to install a dishwasher for one person?
Helen (a bacheloress of the worst sort)
Last Revised: 15th July, 2001.