One step nearer to my holiday

2nd December, 1998

I paid the balance on the ticket several weeks ago.

Today I got around to sorting out my passport, which was due to expire early in December.

I've had the passport application lying around for some time, but when I decided that I'd better do something about it, do you think I was going anywhere near anybody in any of the categories considered suitable for vouching for a passport applicant?

I work for a bank, but my boss isn't a "bank manager", only a "manager within a bank" and doesn't count. The doctor charges a fee. I haven't known the dentist long enough. Anyway, he charges a fee, too. Then last night I went to my band rehearsal, and I was spoilt for choice: a chartered engineer, who also happens to be a euphonium player did the honours for me, but if he hadn't been available, I also had the choice of a clarinet playing school deputy head or a trombone playing serving police officer. We certainly come from all walks of life in that band: it's definitely a community band.

Anyway, this morning, when I got to Charing Cross, I found myself walking out the Villiers Street exit purely from habit, when I really meant to emerge from the front of the station, as I had to take a walk down The Strand to Australia House, where I paid my forty seven pounds, produced my ID and handed in my completed application.

I suppose I'd better think about some presents now:-)



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