Earlier this week, I got up and put my glasses on and went downstairs.
Straight away, I knew that something was wrong, as what I was seeing was all blurry. Not having cleaned my glasses for a couple of days, I decided that had to be it and went for my lens cloth.
Imagine my surprise when I took my glasses off and went to polish the left lens when my fingers went straight through the frame!
It did explain the unidentified "click" I'd heard the night before when I took the glasses off, though, and the errant lens was found where I'd put my glasses the night before. Unfortunately the screw which had worked loose and fallen right out was not so easy to locate, so I spent the day in my previous pair of varifocals.
Meanwhile, Stephen took the pair with the missing screw to Dolland & Aitchison, who were able to replace the screw, and even gave him a couple of spares for similar eventualities.
I was glad to get my regular varifocals back, as I couldn't read my watch in my old pair, and spent the day with my head tipped right up to eke the most magnification out of the very bottom of the old pair:-)
Last Revised: 21st September, 2002.