I was woken by the telephone again this morning. My alarm had gone off and I thought I'd woken up, but I think I was drifting off again. Fortunately Stephen's call got me going and I made it to the morning's orchestral session at Holy Redeemer Church Hall in Days Lane Sidcup on time.
We were playing light orchestral music this morning, more or less as a rehearsal for tomorrow morning, when there will be a coffee morning to which the general public are invited, and where we will entertain them with our playing while they partake of their coffee.
I could have gone to Joyce's for lunch today, but preferred to come home and find my own food. In any case, I've got quite a lot of stuff from the back freezer that needs to be eaten after the door got left ajar last week. Today I had Linda McCartney sage and onion sausages. I do have to check her range of products for egg or dairy content, but quite a bit of it is vegan and very good vegan too. (At least in my opinion!)
The bassoon came out of its case this afternoon for a bit of private practice, but the concerto remained unopened, as I had a look at Fukic's "Stary Broucon" which I want to do with my wind quintet; and I also looked at a solo I'm thinking of playing again.
This evening the Marlowe crowd joined forces with Jim Kelly's first Tuesday of the month orchestra. Many of the people are in both, and there was a good turnout. It gives Malcolm a chance to play his viola. The other notable viola player in Jim's orchestra is Leonard Davis, who conducted the Orpington Symphony Orchestra for many years.
We kicked off the evening with "Russlan and Ludmilla" and eventually arrived at the end of the evening by way of a Dvorak symphony. The parts said it was No.4, but they were old parts, and it was the one that is now known as No.8 and which I have played at St.Bart's Chamber Orchestra in Norbury. I enjoyed playing it through again, although I did first this evening and therefore missed out on the second bassoon solo in the final movement.
Last Revised: 9th August, 2002.