I got a lie-in this morning as I didn't have any musical commitments, but I was eventually woken up (rather late!) by someone from the camera club wanting to discuss the finer points of formatting cells in a Word table I had used when preparing the club's programme card a couple of weeks ago.
The afternoon was taken up with doing nothing in particular (and in good Gilbert & Sullivan style, I'm sure I did it very well!) and this evening was the final orchestral session for the week.
The attendance took Malcolm by surprise and he didn't have as many copies of some of the string parts as he had players and some of them ended up three to a desk rather than two. There were three double basses and five violas, and the other string sections were proportionally large. It was wonderful having so many double basses. They really growled:-)
The musical content started with Verdi's "Force of Destiny" overture, and we worked our way through (among other things) Leroy Anderson's "Belle of the Ball", a rather nice piece by a Spanish composer which Margaret had brought along, part of Hiawatha, some Elgar German tunes and "My Fair Lady". We finished with "Force of Destiny" again, as it was borrowed from the Westminster Music Library and so it wasn't going to be around to be played for very long.
Malcolm and Sheila were presented with a gift in recognition of their hard work in organising the week's activities, and someone from the church thanked us for supporting the Wednesday coffee morning, which raised well over a hundred pounds for church funds.
Twenty one of the participants are having a meal tomorrow evening at "Sophie's Choice", a restaurant in Sidcup, which will nicely round off the week.
Last Revised: 9th August, 2002.