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As Australia is a dry place, Australians appreciate the sight of water, and this page shows some of the more decorative uses to which water is put.
The first picture is a very familiar Adelaide landmark: the fountain in Victoria Square, right at the very centre of the city of Adelaide. There are Aboriginal decorations painted onto the fountain now. I don't know when they were put there, but it would be within the past few years. If you know, email me and I will add the information to this page. This photograph was taken in the early evening and a tripod was used with slow film to obtain the flowing effect. |
These two photographs both show the new Glen Osmond Water Feature, which has been built as part of the project to upgrade the section of the South Eastern Freeway from Glen Osmond to Stirling. Some technical details of the photography are interesting here: the picture on the left was shot on 200ASA Agfa, while the one on the right was shot on 25ASA Kodak and was tripod supported. The Kodak yields a much warmer rendition of the scene. I wasn't totally successful at eliminating lens flare from the longer exposure by shading the lens with my hand. The lens in question was a super wide angle zoom, and there was great danger of my hand being included! |
Last Revised: 23rd June, 2000.