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I borrowed a tripod from one of my cousins and used it when I took these evening shots of St.Peters Cathedral in North Adelaide.
Unfortunately I got lens flare on all of my wide angle shots of the complete frontage of the Cathedral, but I've included a couple of them anyway, along with a standard lens shot of the twin steeples.
This is how these pictures came back from the lab. Night time prints often seem to come back as monochromatic yellows or oranges against a black background. |
As I was on the opposite side of the road from the Cathedral, it was interesting trying to get a long enough gap in the passing traffic for my time exposures. My sister in law acted as my assistant and kept a close watch on the traffic lights in each direction while I concentrated on counting the seconds on my watch while I held the shutter release cable in the open position.
A little bit of playing around with my scanner parameters yielded these results. They aren't such obviously "night time" shots, and the blue of the sky which I had hoped to capture actually comes out in a couple of these shots. |
Last Revised: 1st April, 2000.