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I went overboard photographing the Sturt Peas. There is a rather beautiful Aboriginal legend about them. I must look it up and include it. |
The picture on the right wasn't the best gibber plain I saw, but it was pretty rocky anyway. |
Below, centre, is the pub at Gascoyne Junction. I stayed overnight there. There was a bit of a party that night, and in the morning, every 13 gallon oil drum along the verandah was full to overflowing with empty stubbies. |
I admired this lovely green caterpillar clinging to a wildflower. |
I passed a satellite tracking station as I approached Carnarvon. |
Approaching the coast, I found bananas being grown. |
The River Gascoyne appears to be a dry river bed. However, the River Gascoyne is actually two rivers. |
The above ground river dries up, but beneath the river bed is a second, subterranean stream which continues to flow. |
Last Revised: 5th December, 1999.