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After visiting family friends in Perth and relatives in the Meckering area, I continued to travel eastwards. I managed to find some more wildflowers to photograph! |
There are ladybirds clearly visible on the flower on the right if you click on it and obtain the full sized image. |
I was driving by the dam featured in the next series of pictures and I was struck by the colour of the water. I suspect that this colour probably owes its origin to pollution of some description, and no doubt the tourist authorities are very disappointed in me for taking these photographs, but whether or not pollution is to blame, I found the scene very photogenic. If I were photographing it now, I would use a wide angle lens to get the whole dam into shot at least once, but back in 1978 the shortest lens I had was my standard 50mm lens, so I took a series of views which I have placed in a line across the page. One day when I've got lots of time, I may try and stitch these images together. |
When I took the first three photographs, I was somewhat disappointed when I took my sunglasses off to look through the viewfinder to discover that the water wasn't quite as green as it had appeared when I initially caught sight of it. However, I had a brainwave then: my sunglasses were Polaroid, and I had a polarising filter, so I put it onto my lens and took some more pictures, which have a quite different colour rendering. |
Last Revised: 18th December, 1999.