Ripley Arts Centre (Concert Venue)
Bromley Music Makers is a Society whose members meet ten times a year to perform and listen to music.
A typical concert programme may contain a mixture of instrumental and vocal solos and ensembles.
Both playing and listening members are welcome to join.
Guests may attend concerts and will be charged £3 admission.
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Concerts take place in the Music Room at the Ripley Arts Centre. The concert season runs from September to June, during which time a concert takes place on the fourth Saturday of the month at 8pm, except at Christmas, when the concert date is sometimes different.
Ripley Arts Centre
24 Sundridge Avenue
The annual subscription for members is £15. This is reduced to £5 for student members.
Both playing and listening members are welcome to join.
Bromley Music Makers came into being in 1945 when a group of friends started to meet regularly to perform and listen to music. As the group grew in size, it became necessary to introduce some organisation, and the club structure of Bromley Music Makers was the result.
At the beginning of each season, performing members are asked to submit the names of the works they wish to perform during the season. These are then arranged into balanced programmes for the monthly concerts.
From time to time there are special themed concerts, for which members are invited to perform works by particular composers or of a particular type.
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Last Revised: 27th October, 2007.